21 reasons why vape have burning taste

Анализ 21 причины, по которой вейп-устройства имеют жгучий вкус

As the development of одноразовый вейп continues to advance and mature, consumers are increasingly focused on the overall vaping experience, with a particular emphasis on fragrance and taste. This growing interest stems from the desire to enjoy a satisfying and enjoyable vaping session. However, users often encounter peculiar odors and burnt smells during their vaping experience, which can be perplexing. To unravel the mystery behind these unexpected aromas, we will embark on a comprehensive analysis, delving into 21 different aspects to shed light on the factors contributing to these olfactory surprises. By examining various elements, from the quality of e-liquids to the condition of vaping equipment, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intriguing phenomenon of unusual vaping odors. Through this exploration, we hope to equip vapers with the knowledge and insights needed to enhance their overall vaping experience.

1, High output charge

Сайт аккумулятор /auto sensor outputs voltage too high, and when the oil flow is not smooth, the heating coil and cotton get burnt.

2, High rate battery

The excessive discharge rate of the battery, coupled with poor oil flow, results in the heating coil and cotton getting burnt.

3, E-liquid setting time short

Insufficient settling time after refilling causes the e-liquid not to fully saturate the heating coil and cotton, leading to burning during inhalation.

4, The battery ran out first

A mismatch between e-liquid consumption and battery power can result in the e-liquid running out before the battery is depleted, causing the heating coil and cotton to burn.

5, High viscosity

High viscosity and poor flow of e-liquid can lead to inadequate wick saturation, resulting in burning during inhalation.

6, Wick assembles way

Incorrect density of the cotton, either too tight or too loose, can lead to poor oil flow, causing the heating wire and wick to burn.

7, Small oil hole

Small or insufficient oil inlet holes can lead to inadequate oil flow through the wick, resulting in burning during inhalation.

8, High sugar content

E-liquid with high sugar content or sweeteners can lead to cotton carbon buildup and an unpleasant burnt taste.

9, Poor oil hole structure

Poorly designed oil inlet holes can prevent the wick from accessing e-liquid when the oil level in the tank is below 1/3, causing burning during inhalation.

10, Wick and oil hole structure

Inadequate design of oil inlet holes relative to wick saturation can result in poor oil flow, causing the heating wire and wick to burn.

11, E-liquid Storage

Improper storage of e-liquid or exceeding its expiration date can result in flavor variations.

12, Mixed e-liquid flavor

Accidentally mixing two or more e-liquids for various reasons can lead to flavor variations.

13, No e-liquid wake-up

Failure to wake up the e-liquid before refilling causes the e-liquid to stratify, resulting in a large taste difference

14, Glue

Vaporizer structural designs that involve the use of glue can lead to the evaporation of the glue by the heating element, causing an unusual adhesive odor.

15, Reaction between stains and e-liquid

Oil residue on the surface of insulating rings, silicone sleeves, or sealing rings from molding equipment can result in flavor variations when they come into contact with e-liquid.

16, Reaction between coils and e-liquid

Chemical reactions between iron-chromium-aluminum heating wires and e-liquid can lead to a rusty taste during inhalation.

17, Close the structure

Plastics, silicone, or fiberglass tubes positioned too close to the heating wire can get scorched by the heating element during operation, causing unusual odors.

18, Poor condensate structure design

Structural design defects that allow condensate to flow back into the wick can lead to unusual odors during inhalation.

19, Poor airflow design

Restricted airflow can cause condensation to accumulate around the heating wire, leading to oil splattering and resulting in burnt or unusual tastes.

20, High-density wicking material

High-density wicking material can lock in some of the e-liquid’s components, preventing the full release and expression of the e-liquid’s original formula, and leading to unusual tastes.

21, Wrong assemble process

Improper process layout or handling can cause the PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) or mouthpiece to activate prematurely before filling, resulting in the heating wire and wick getting burnt.

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